Het Nationale Theater
Most influencial theater in The Netherlands

2017. The most influential theater instances of The Hague merged to become Het Nationale Theater. GRRR pitched and won with a simple idea. But Het Nationale Theater was just born, they didn't really know who they were yet. And the identity was created under a lot of pressure.

After two seasons it was already time to strengthen the brand strategy and refresh the visual identity. I took the lead on the design side and worked in close collaboration with brand strategist Roel Stavorinus to help Het Nationale Theater find their voice. I created with the marketing team and the board of directors a real partnership.


ACT I : The Pitch (2017)

My role: Designer
Art Direction: Jeroen Disch
Brand strategy: Rolf Coppens

ACT II : Becoming one (2019)

My role: Art Director and Lead Designer
Brand strategy: Roel Stavorinus

ACT III : Refresh (2022)

My role: Art Director
Design: Sjors Bazelier and Tijmen Buskermolen

Becoming one (2019)

Het Nationale Theater has it all: Kid plays, avant-garde cutting-edges experimental plays, popular stand-uppers, family shows, workshop for teenagers, theater classics, dance, music, festivals and parties. But how can they speak from one voice? The challenge was to develop an iconic brand under which every department can gather but also find the freedom to address their unique challenges. We gave their voice a stage were their statements and believes could express themselves visually.

Refresh (2022)

For the last two years Het Nationale Theater had one mission: survive the pandemic. And in those hard times they revealed their new voice. A courageous voice. So how could the existing visual identity adapt to become bolder, stronger and more open? But how not to risk loosing the brand recognition build over the years?


Beside all the theater halls activity, Het Nationale Theater is also a theater company, producing high quality, socially engaged theater pieces. The language we defined in 2019 for it is still in place. It gives a lot of room for the content of the show. Street photography style by Gordon Meuleman became very iconic. The idea is to connect what is happening on stage with real life. Merge the gap. Show to the non theater savvy that it is relevent for them too. And the expressive typographical layer becomes almost the logo of the play.
